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How You Can Sustain A Healthy Mind And Body At Home
We now know that we’ll be spending a bit more time at home after the government decided to extend the lockdown restrictions, which will come as a particular blow to those who are perhaps finding it a bit difficult.
Sitting indoors for a long spell is easier said than done, but if you try to keep healthy at the same time, it will help you get through it.
Just remember that there is no safer place you could possibly be and that you’re not alone in this, so take that as some comfort.
Sustaining a healthy mind and body at home isn’t as complex as it may sound, as our three-step home health kick guide demonstrates:
Challenge yourself with daily goals and do lots of talking
Staying busy whilst at home will make the days in lockdown sail by. At the start of each day, make little goals that you can achieve, such as cleaning your car or clearing out some unwanted clothes from your wardrobes.
It will feel so satisfying when you get them all done and you’ll know that you’ve accomplished something.
If you ever feel a bit down, talking is the best medicine. Instigate a group chat with friends over the internet using a video platform like Zoom or Skype. Add some hilarity in your conversations as it’s amazing how much laughter can boost your mood.

Get out the house as much as you can
Though you’re only allowed to head out for exercise once a day, you can use your garden again and again, when the weather lets you. Getting some fresh air into your lungs and some sun on your skin can make the world of difference.
Set up your outdoor space so that you’re fully in the sun (remember to stick some cream on!) and able to have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the open. Drag the kids out with you and let them play their games or do their studying away from the usual four walls.
Lots of outdoor living will aid your sleep.

Hold a home Bake Off
The country is full of home cake makers at the moment, with flour, eggs and milk high in demand, and believe it or not, baking is therapeutic and also great for mental health.
Whether you’ve never baked a cake in your life or you fancy yourself as a Mary Berry in the making, why not have a Bake Off competition amongst your fellow family members.
Assign a judge and see who can cook up the best peanut butter cookies or rocky roads to claim the title of ‘Star Baker’. Just watch out for those soggy bottoms!

What else will keep your mind working is thinking up home improvement ideas for when life gets back to normal. If Amber can in any way help with that, we’re here for you.